It's been quite a long time since I updated...
Dust are sticking on some windows...
Rust have started to emerge...
My mind and mouth starts to dry out from the new life I've just started...
It's a good thing Im still keeping up to pace...although I've been absent...
A rough new year...the first line of words that will come up to me if you ask me "How are you doing lately?"
Why rough?!
Cause sickness decided to come back to me and haunt me...
After the countdown to 2010...
I wasted the first half day of 2010 in the toilet...
That wasn't just it...
After school reopens...
I got myself sicked again...
Reason??? Food poisoning !!!
I had 5 days of fighting against my own stomach...Trust me...It feels bad...
I have sore throat...running nose...a bit of headache as well...
Not as bad as the food poison...But in a bad condition to
The stupid mosquitoes have come to disturb me as well...Im itching all over...Damn those ******* mosquitoes...
Well...Our class is getting hotter and hotter everyday...not just physically (due to the changes of fan above me now...)...but everyone have sparks of friendship between themselves and the class...Ain't that bad as I've thought...
Now...interesting matters...
Decided to come back to the back...
Dropped from 1st to 3rd...because of my bracelets...I always feel pain when I practice or perform...The position of my teeth keeps changing because of biting the clarinet too hard...So I went to 3rd...Not just easier...But I can still play without changing instrument...or else I will be beating the rhythms now...
I feel different this year...
I think differently this year...
I see things in ways I don't usually see before...
I do things I can't believe Im doing...
I have a strong urge to learn more and more...
New year new me perhaps...
Its time to grow into a new me...
Its time to grow...
and the time to go...