A teacher said to his students...
"Let say there really is a God who created this world. Now, lets look at the greatest creation by God---Us, and we can see evil, sins, crimes...That means God also created evil itself, and if God created evil that means He Himself have sins as well...This is God who created the world?"
At this point, a bright little kid raised his hand before standing up...and said...
"Sir, let me ask you a simple question. Does 'cold' exists?"
Teacher replies: "Of course it exist! Don't you feel cold itself?"
"Well sir, actually it doesn't exists...By the explanation of physics, 'cold' is the absence of 'hot'. So basically it doesn't exists, you feel it because there's no 'hot'. Let me ask you another question. Does darkness exists?"
Teacher replies him again: "Absolutely positively exists."
"No sir, you're wrong again. We can't do experiments on darkness but only light. Darkness is the absence of light. These things are basically the same with sins and God. Without God, there will be sin, so God didn't created sin and absolutely don't have sins in Him."
The kid left the teacher speechless...
This intellect kid...is Albert Einstein...
Such wise words...came out of his little mouth when he was only in primary school...
I'm really falling...for what?
For You...