Lumière du monde

I was really surprised how I had come this far. The times we had seem like yesterday and yet we had walked separate ways for years. 

A vale I thought I could never walk out. Now, even how hard I try to recall the steps I've taken to force a way out, I couldn't remember clearly how those times were. This marks how long it was since the day we secede. 

Back then, I thought it was misunderstandings that divides us. Now it seems that time is the only thing unraveling us. We just couldn't go back to how it was and who we were to be... I couldn't.... 

A milestone, it was, and never to be forgotten. God lead me into another phase of life through the times spent with you. I thought I was broken and torn to pieces, but God never let that happened to me. My faith was built up instead. 

What I wish, always ended up as something bad for me. What I want, seems like unreachable all the time. Maybe that's suppose to be what it was suppose to be.... 


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